
Egyptian city of Hurghada on the Red Sea coast and the capital of the Red Sea governorate. Where the commercial port and tourist destination for its beaches and marine activities.
Hurghada gained its name from the tree Algrdq, as is usually the place-name (and especially the desert) the names of plants or trees are spread throughout the feature.

Originated Hurghada in the early twentieth century as a gateway for the valleys of the desert, inhabited by Bedouin Egyptians working in the fishing and nomadic Arabs Arashndi and supervisor coming from the Arabian Peninsula and Alababdeh on the coast of the Red Sea and began to grow the discovery of oil in that region in 1913 but the boom in the early eighties eighties of the century when beginning to be known as a magnet for scuba diving enthusiasts, and accelerated growth in the next two decades to become one of the most important tourist cities in Egypt. The city of Hurghada is divided into three main neighborhoods: neighborhood scaffold (port) south of the province, which was home to most of the working population fish; inspired Dahar He was the Sea and Fisheries, which was created in 1930 or the youth center next to the Institute.
Population: The population doubled due to investments from 20 thousand to 90 thousand and that means more than four times the current population is dominated by the inhabitants of the region's indigenous Maigelb most of the residents of Red Sea by the tone, blend between the tone of the nomadic zone and Egyptian dialect known, customs and traditions mixed with the Egyptian, Bedouin and most of the population capital of the Red Sea Hurghada are Aljheinp (hell) and Arashndep (Arashnde) each original of which the population center of Hurghada old neighborhood Dahar and some of them coming from some neighboring provinces and more than about 40 thousand people other than employees who are not officially registered as children of the city of Hurghada, and who work in a manner directly and indirectly in the tourist industry.
Biology Home: Dahar district: the city is the center of the old, and here we see the Egyptian life mixed with traditional nomadic nature of the Egyptian, which differ radically from the others. And also by the popular markets, shops and fish market, all this invites you to take time for shopping, touring, especially the time of the evening where you will notice the presence of the Egyptians more than foreigners. And the ramifications of this neighborhood some of the neighborhoods such as al-Batin inspired by the Arabs.
District scaffold: The tourist part of the city and places that have extended a curfew on the place of the old port. The place renewed holidays it had many hotels, shops, shopping malls, clubs and restaurants which remain open to the public and tourists to after midnight.
District Biology: extends from the northern city of Hurghada, specifically the area south of El Gouna and a length of 22 Km length and on the coast-to-Dahar district. One of the main advantages of this district that the number of the population by much less than in other parts of the city of Hurghada, on the other side Fbtoul coast includes building maintenance and other government agencies and the commercial market; inspired neighborhoods north is an isolated area inhabited by people who had worked mostly in the National Institute of Science We have many hotels that have been completed and other construction that has not been completed. And enjoy the attractive atmosphere of the East in this neighborhood is not possible now but maybe in the near future.
Famous for its fishing for sharks barracuda * Obhoshra - Abussev * blank - Qarouk - Morgan ... etc. The fish Almirjanot Israel planted in abundance in the various territories of state.
Became the city of Hurghada one of the most points of tourism beaches and resorts in Egypt and the Middle East, has acquired Hurghada great reputation in a few years, due mainly to two things: One is the discovery of tourist value and aesthetic values of Hurghada, which is unprecedented and the second is the availability of tourist facilities and sports very quickly The levels in this great region.
Practiced in Hurghada activities and marine sports of skiing and sailing and diving. Waters warm embraces the kinds of rare fish and coral reefs. Hurghada has hosted many of the diving competitions since 1950 and is today most famous cities in diving in the world, came flying from Europe and Cairo and Luxor fall day at the airport in Hurghada, Hurghada is the largest city in the Red Sea. Training in an internationally approved diving has taken some of the organizers of responsibility for some dive sites Cabo copper, Bluff Point is one of the most famous places in Hurghada.

* Mount smoke Roman ruins, 65 km north
* Aquarium at a distance of 4 km north of the port of Hurghada
* Coral reefs
* National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries

What to see

* Valley Spa
* Monastery of Saint Oentionius
* Saint Paul
* Mausoleum of Abu al-Hassan Shazly

Red Sea Islands
There is an island of about 24 plant and animal environment on the surface of the most important:

* Aquamarine island off the coast of Bernice
* Giftun islands large and small Giftun off the coast of Hurghada
* Obomenkar island in front of the Sheraton Hurghada
* Shedwan island off the coast of Hurghada

The Red Sea of the most beautiful diving areas in the world because of its clear water and Osmake multi-colored, as well as Caabh beautiful coral and running at the same time natural battering waves which makes the shores of the Red Sea area is ideal for diving
Dive sites south of Hurghada

* El Gouna
* Eastern coral Belinda
* The big island of Abu Ramada
* Island of Abu Hashish
* West Coral Belinda
* South West Abu Ramada
* Island Magawish
* Love Island Southeast Hurghada

Dive sites north of Hurghada

* Abu coral beak           * Coral Abu drop
* Coral Abu Nahas       * Coral or nest
* Coral or satellite        * Carlos Coral
* Coral Aerov               * Island Alphenadir
* Abu Critics                * Coral long
* North Giftun               * Seoul Grand
* Seoul Minor                 


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Marsa Matrouh

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